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Greek Goddess ENYO
Artwork by Emmy Wahlbäck-Enmi Art

When Clara’s grandparents are murdered, her life unravels. Sold to a complete stranger by a mother she barely knows, she is reduced to a nameless commodity and bartered by child traffickers. Her childhood is snuffed out. A dehumanizing cycle of abuse takes over her world. Yet Clara adapts and endures—a mind as precocious as it is nimble focused solely on survival. The day before she turns fifteen, Clara escapes her captors, and that focus shifts from survival to revenge.


Some years later, Karen McIntyre—an FBI agent turned private investigator—is enlisted to look into a series of grisly murders. As Karen digs deeper into the circumstances of the killings, a collision course between Karen and Clara becomes inescapable and sets up an encounter that will confront  both women with life-altering choices.

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